
오늘만무료] 희소성어플 - 매듭묶는 방법 암벽등반시,응급구조시 등..필요매듭-Best Knots

현명한 삶 2011. 12. 1. 15:22
오늘만무료] 희소성어플 - 매듭묶는 방법 -Best Knots

아래와 같은 묶는 방법이 들어있습니다.
그림으로 되어있어서 쉽게 이해가 갑니다.
정말 여러가지 매듭방법이 있군요.. 암벽등반이나,구조할때 매듭방법등이 잘나와있습니다.
▸ Bowline *
▸ Butterfly Loop *
▸ Double Bowline *
▸ Double Figure Eight *
▸ Figure Eight Follow-through *
▸ Figure Eight on a Bight *
▸ Inline Figure Eight *
▸ Slipknot

▸ Buntline
▸ Cleat Hitch
▸ Clinch Hitch *
▸ Constrictor Knot
▸ Clove Hitch *
▸ Girth Hitch
▸ Half Hitch
▸ Klemheist Hitch
▸ Load Releasing Hitch
▸ Münter Hitch *
▸ Prusik Hitch *
▸ Rolling Hitch
▸ Round Turn Clean Hitch
▸ Round Turn Two Half Hitch
▸ Tautline Hitch
▸ Tensionless Hitch
▸ Timber Hitch
▸ Trucker's Hitch *

▸ Anchor Bend
▸ Carrick Bend
▸ Double Fisherman's Knot *
▸ Figure Eight Bend *
▸ Sheet Bend *
▸ Square Knot
▸ Water Knot *

▸ Double Overhand *
▸ Figure Eight *
▸ Overhand Knot
▸ Heaving Line

Attach a Fly or Lure
▸ Loop Knot
▸ Clinch Knot *
▸ Improved Clinch Knot
▸ Improved Double Clinch Knot
▸ Palomar Knot
▸ Snell Knot

Tie Two Lines Together
▸ Nail Knot
▸ Surgeon's Knot
▸ Blood Knot
▸ Albright Knot

Tie a Loop in the Line
▸ Perfection Loop
▸ Surgeon's Loop
▸ Dropper Loop

Tie Backing to the Reel
▸ Arbor Knot

Other Useful Knots
▸ Float Stop Knot
▸ Uni Knot

▸ Fireman's Chair
▸ Karash Harness
▸ Triple Bowline

Quick Release
▸ Slipped Buntline
▸ Mooring Hitch

** 오늘만 무료 어플 다운로드시 [가격]  을 꼭 확인하세요 **
___진짜 딱 오늘만 무료인 어플들이 있습니다. 하루 지나면 유료니 확인요망___

삭제됬나봅니다..주소가없네요 어제만해도 나왓는데..죄송합니다.