[한시적무료]수학 과학(물리) 공식 ,원소주기율표 어플 -고등학생들에게 좋은
-Complex number
-Differential calculus
-Differential equation
-Fourier transform
-Functions and curves
-Laplace transform
-Linear algebra
-Plane geometry
-Probability and statistics
-Solid geometry
-Vector calculus
-Atomic and nuclear physics
-Fluid mechanics
-Oscillations and waves
-Periodic System with all elements (sortable by name, atomic number, classification, period, group, block and physical state)
-Interactive periodic system (once you‘ve loaded a element view, just turn your device to landscape mode and the periodic system appears)
-Color the periodic system by several properties (such as classification, atomic weight, group, period, electronegativity, 1st ionization energy, physical state, melting point, boiling point, specific heat capacity)
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☞세컨드라이브 어플 활용1편 -영화 뮤직비디오 다운받은거 아이폰 인코딩없이 넣기
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